Connect Your Social Keys
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Social Locker need some credential Third party social app to verify user activity by connecting with their API :
Facebook JavaScript SDK
Twitter API
Google+ API
It's supported to verify Facebook share; Google share; Twitter tweet activities
Step 1: From your Shopify admin, go to Apps. Click Social Locker.
Step 2: Go to Settings
Step 3: Enter Social credential details & Share Key.
The app will save your Social credential as a Share Key to protect your Social credential detail. It use as a password to open Social Credential Details. Please input following data:
Facebook App ID
Use to verify Facebook share activity
The app doesn't save this data when you click Save Share Key button
Facebook SDK version
You may select between Facebook SDK version to use.
It's suggestion to use version 3.0 or higher
The app doesn't save this data
Google Client Id
Twitter Consumer Key & Twitter Consumer Secret
Use to verify Twitter tweet activity at Read Check Mode
The app doesn't save this data
Save Share Key *
App just use the shared key to encrypt below data and give you an encrypted string. In the case you change your shared key please re-input all third-party informations below.
Step 4: Click Save Share Key